Asthma is one of the most common respiratory diseases. Asthma is characterized by recurring symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, rapid breathing, and chest tightness. Asthma symptoms happen when the lining of the airways to the lungs swells, which cause the muscles surrounding them to tighten. The airways get filled with mucus adding more hindrance for the air to pass.
Asthma affects people of all ages; in most cases, it starts in childhood, but it can also start at a very later stage of life. Both asthma and allergy are either inherited or happens because of other environmental factors.
Some of the most common causes of Asthma and allergy are as follow: Allergy to food, mould, dust, pollen, pets, animals, etc. Allergic disorder in the family. Air pollution like smoke, smog, and asbestos.
Bad addictions like cigarette smoking, passive smoking, unhealthy eating habits. Induced by job or working conditions like gases, fumes, industrial chemicals, textiles, woodwork, etc.
viral respiratory illness during childhood.
Hay fever.
Cold and flu infections.